General School Information

About Our School

Millicent North Primary School is one of two government primary schools in the township of Millicent.

The current enrolment is approximately 200 students.

 The school offers the following range of curriculum areas of study:


  • The Arts

  • Civics and Citizenship

  • Economics

  • English

  • Geography

  • Health and Physical Development

  • History

  • Digital Technology

  • Mathematics

  • Science

Students have a part in the decision-making processes of the school through regular class meetings and an active Student Voice.

Students have access to laptops and iPads in their classrooms as well as the computer room for whole class work.

The Resource Centre has a pod of computers.  The Resource Centre borrowing system is linked to the Millicent Public Library, as well as a number of other libraries throughout the South East.

Students can access opportunities to learn instrumental music.


Millicent Hub of Schools

 Millicent North Primary School is a member of a hub of district schools including: Beachport, Rendelsham, Mount Burr, Tantanoola and Newbery Park Primary Schools, Millicent High School and Kangaroo Inn Area School.

 This hub of schools has a commitment to maximising teaching and learning through collaboration.

The School Day

Time Event
8:20AM Supervision begins in the school yard
8:50AM School day begins
10:30AM Recess eating time
10:40AM Recess play time
11:10AM Learning time
12:50PM Lunch eating time
1:00PM Lunch play time
1:30PM Learning time
3:10PM School day ends
3:25PM Yard supervision ends

Staff and Classes for 2025

Position Name
Principal Mrs Karmel Finch
Deputy Principal Mrs Carolyn Rayson
Wellbeing Leader Mrs Liz Ellis
Reception Miss Sally Mueller
Reception Mrs Anne Zalme
Year 1 Mrs Lucy Bell / Ms Krystal Redden
Year 1/2 Mrs Jo Merrett / Ms Krystal Redden
Year 2/3 Mrs Viv Gilbertson / Ms Elisha Hinge
Year 3 Mrs Belinda Hateley
Year 4 Mrs Maddi Sutterby
Years 4/5 Ms Ava Smith-Muhovics
Year 5/6 Mrs Kylie Peace
Year 5/6 Mrs Sarah Gellion
Science Ms Alex Solomon
Technology Ms Amber Deane
Finance Officer Mrs Annette Abbott
Front Office Mrs Tanya Clark
ICT Mr Cory Marcus
Library Ms Judith Laucirica
Student Support Tanya Clark, Judith Laucirica, Rachael Chapple, Jackie Sunderland, Staci Faulkner, Sammy Chapman, Shirley Thompson
PSW Ms Catherine Schultz
ACEO Ms Bronwyn Heffernan
Canteen Mrs Belinda Walker
Limestone Coast TRT Scheme Mrs Vicki Costin, Mrs Jules Cytrowski


If your child is absent from school, you are required to notify the class teacher either by note or phone.  Please explain whether the reason is illness or family commitments, etc. The school is required to contact parents when a child is absent for three or more days without explanation. Furthermore, as a site, when ongoing absences occur, we are legally obligated to refer such cases to the Student Attendance Officer.


If you are planning a family holiday during term, please contact the school to ensure exemption forms are completed.


*Refer to the Student Attendance Policy in the appendix.


Accident And Illness

Although every care is taken to avoid accidents, they sometimes do happen.  The school keeps a register of emergency contacts, home phone numbers and medical conditions of all children.


The staff will treat minor injuries.  Parents will be notified of more serious accidents/injuries that occur. In cases of a serious accident, medical treatment will be sought and parents/caregivers informed as soon as possible.  Should the injury warrant, an ambulance will be called.


 Accident Insurance

Our school strongly encourages School Accident Insurance for students.  Information about this is available from




If your child requires an ambulance, your ambulance cover, private medical insurance cover or accident insurance will possibly cover the cost.


If your family does not have these, then the school can provide you with a Statutory Declaration form which you send, with the account, to the Principal, who will forward it to the Minister of Education to seek approval of payment. There is no guarantee of approval.


Common Illnesses


Below is a summary of the exclusion times for children with common diseases:


- Coronavirus: 5 days exclusion. Covid is a notifiable disease

-     Influenza: Until after the symptoms have disappeared. (Usually within 7 days)


-      Infective Hepatitis: Until a medical certificate of recovery is produced. All forms of hepatitis are notifiable diseases.


-      Chickenpox: Not less than 7 days. All blisters must have dried. Chickenpox is a notifiable disease.


-      Measles, Mumps, Rubella: Not less than 7 days from the appearance of the rash. Mumps and Rubella are  notifiable diseases.


-      Impetigo (School Sores): Until appropriate treatment has commenced and the sores have healed or are properly covered with a dressing.


-      Head Lice, Ringworm, and Scabies: readmit after appropriate treatment.


-      Whooping Cough (Pertussis): readmit five days after commencing antibiotic treatment. If not treated, the student should be excluded for 21 days from the start of symptoms. Whooping cough is a notifiable disease.


Medical Information

It is most important that families keep the school informed of specific medical conditions of children.  Some medical conditions may require a medical plan, which is signed by your family GP.  This information is confidential and necessary in case of emergencies. It is also imperative that we are informed of any changes of emergency contacts.



 Medications need to be clearly labelled and current and brought to school in the original container with your child’s name on it.  The school keeps a record of when medications are given, and the dosage administered.


Staff cannot give out analgesics



Bike riders must wear a helmet and enter and leave the school grounds via the access road from Fourth Street or walk their bikes through the yard via the Seventh Street gates. The bike shelter is an out of bounds area during the school day.

Breakfast Club

 This operates from 8.20am – 8.50am each school morning from the canteen.  Children can have toast with various toppings.



 If you live more than 5 kilometres from the school, your child may be eligible to use the DECD school bus.

For further information, ring Millicent High School on 8733 2400.


Behaviour Learning Policy

Please view a copy of the Behaviour Learning Policy here


The school operates a canteen on Monday (Lunch orders only. Over the counter sales at recess ONLY. Not open at lunchtime) Thursday and Friday at recess (11.00am – 11.20am) and lunchtime (1.00pm – 1.35pm). Lunch orders may be placed online using the Qkr App or on a lunch order bag and taken to the classroom at the start of the school day. You may purchase order bags at the Front Office or use plain brown paper bags.


Collection of Children

Teachers are responsible for the children in their care and must know where they are at all times of the school day.  Therefore, we ask that you provide a note / phone call to explain when you are collecting your child early from school and clearly stipulate the time and place of collection.  Children need to be collected and returned via the Front Office where they are signed in and out by the parent or caregiver.


Contact Numbers

 We ask that you supply the school with emergency contact numbers for use in the event that your child has suffered an injury or illness during the school day. Please note that if you list a person as an emergency contact you are consenting to them to provide overnight care for your child if required.

 Please supply your home, work, mobile numbers and 2 additional contacts (if possible). These would normally be relatives or close friends who are prepared to assume responsibility for your child in such circumstances and preferably reside within the Millicent area.  It is most important that we are informed of any contact detail changes so that our records are up to date.

Please advise the Front Office of any changes to your emergency contacts or telephone numbers as soon as possible.

 If for any reason the normal arrangement for your child to be collected from school is to change, please let the classroom teacher know in writing.  We need to know if a different person is collecting them and that you have given permission for this person to collect your child.


Custody Orders

Ensure that the school has a current copy of any Custody Order (Residential Order) affecting the well-being of your children.  All details remain confidential and cannot be enforced unless the school is holding a current copy of the Custody Order.


Dental Scheme

The School Dental Service is located on our school grounds at the corner of Second and Ninth Streets. This service provides general dental care to preschool and school aged children.  Students that have a dental appointment need to be signed in and out at the Front Office by a parent/caregiver. If you wish to use this service, please complete the form you would have received in your enrolment pack. The service is open Monday to Friday. Contact them on 8733 3957 to arrange your visit. Keep this number handy as it is extremely difficult to find in the telephone book! The school telephone system does not allow calls to be transferred to the Dental Clinic.

If you require emergency treatment, outside the Dental clinic opening hours please contact the Mt Gambier SADS (SA Dental Service) on 8721 1633.


Disaster Policy

The school has a disaster policy, which is called into force during times considered to be of impending danger (e.g bushfire). When the disaster policy is enforced, school buses are not able to run. During a disaster children will be released to parents only, or people with written consent from parents.

Dress Code

The Governing Council, after consultation with the community, has endorsed the required wearing of school uniform by all students. A copy of the dress code follows:

  • Navy polo shirt (long or short sleeved) OR polo shirt from ‘Since 50 Six’

  • Navy windcheater or hoody

  • Navy or grey pants, navy or grey shorts, skirts or skorts

  • Blue checked dress

  • Optional year 6 jumper

  • Hats – navy broad brimmed or bucket style – compulsory terms 1 and 4

  • Suitable footwear which is safe and supports full participation in all activities – no thongs or slip-ons

  • Jewellery should be kept to a minimum (no dangling earrings, nose, eyebrow rings for safety reasons) and NO makeup to be worn


The uniform is available at ‘Since 50 Six’ in George Street. Printed polo tops and windcheaters are only available through ‘Since 50 Six’.

The school has a supply of hats, school dresses and school bags which parents are able to purchase through the Front Office. Plain navy blue broad brimmed or bucket hats may also be purchased from stores.

The school reserves the right to decide whether individual items of clothing meet the uniform policy requirements.

On the odd occasion that a child is not able to wear uniform, a signed note from a parent is required.



At the beginning of each school year parents are asked to sign a consent form for excursions within the town limits to cover all such excursions for that year.

For all other excursions a separate signed consent form is required for each child to participate.  Excursions may also require medical forms to be completed and a minimal cost to cover entry fees etc. In most circumstances the school contributes to the cost of bus hire.



As an additional form of communication Millicent North Primary School has a Facebook page. “Like it” to see all the latest news about our school.


General Concerns

Parents are advised to see the appropriate teacher in the first instance. The Principal, Deputy Principal, Wellbeing Coordinator or teachers are available for discussion of any problems.

Please read the school’s Grievance Procedure which is attached in the appendix. This is the process to follow should any concerns / issues arise.


Governing Council

The role of Governing Council is defined as:

  • To exercise a general oversight over the well-being of the school.

  • To advise the Principal as necessary, on the correlation between the work of the school and the educational needs of the district.

  • To note the accommodation, grounds and equipment provided at the school and to advise the Chief Executive Officer, through the Principal, of any alterations, additions and replacements considered necessary.

 Our Governing Council normally meets on weeks 3 and 8 of each school term and all parents are eligible to be nominated as members.  Council members are elected for a two-year term at the Annual General Meeting held in February.  Governing Council has a membership of up to 14 which includes a Parent and Friends representative, plus 2 staff representatives, and the Principal.


Hat Policy - “No hat – no yard play”

This is a policy the school enforces in school terms 1 and 4.

The hat must be a navy wide brimmed or bucket style hat which adequately protects the face, ears and neck. Teachers will use judgement in deciding whether a hat may be removed for a short time in situations where a hat is impractical.


Instrumental Music

Children are given the opportunity of learning a string, brass or wind instrument.  Tuition is provided by visiting teachers on a weekly basis.  Students are chosen on the grounds of physical suitability and aptitude.  Testing for string instruments will take place in Year 4 and for wind instruments in Years 5 & 6. Depending on popularity, instruments may be available to hire. Stringed instruments are available to hire at Millicent North Primary School and all others available through Millicent High School.


Kindergarten to School Transition

Millicent North Primary School staff, in consultation with the Kindergarten Director, completes class placements of children.

Children are given opportunities to get to know the school environment and staff through planned joint (Kindergarten and School) activities over the course of the year prior to them starting school. A formal transition program is run in term 4 with 3 structured visits which increase in duration to enable students to experience school life and spend time in their allocated classroom.


1st transition visit - 9:00am to 11:00am

2nd transition visit - 9:00am to 1:00pm

3rd transition visit - 9:00am to 2:00pm

Millicent North Primary School Staff meet with parents for an information session during the first transition visit in term 4 and provides them with a parent information pack and strategies to assist with transition.



Children are encouraged to use the Library for borrowing in class library times. The Library is also open at lunchtime most days when children can come in and read a book or play board games.

Junior Primary children are able to borrow two books at a time however, they MUST bring a separate bag to take books home if they wish to borrow. Older students can borrow up to four books at a time. Books are borrowed for a period of up to two weeks. They should be returned to the library before the due date. Children with overdue books are not able to borrow further books. Any lost or damaged books will require payment of a replacement fee.

Parents are welcome to visit the Library to help in choosing a book for their children.


Lost Property

We strongly recommend that all items of clothing, bags, and water bottles be clearly labelled.

Lost Property is held outside the Counsellors Office. Any unclaimed clothing is donated to the local charity shops at the end of each term.


Materials and Services Fees

During term 4 every year, using the guidelines set by the State Government, the Governing Council approves the Material & Services Fees for the following year. Fees are required to be paid in full by the end of term 1. Information of payment plans or applications for School Card are issued with the Material & Service Fees invoices. It is a legal requirement that fees be paid. There are many payment options available. Feel free to discuss options with the Finance Officer.


Mobile Phone Policy/Valuables

Please find the mobile phone policy of Millicent North Primary School here

The school does not accept responsibility or security for a student’s mobile phone.

 It is recommended that students do not bring valuable items to school, including for “Show & Tell”. The school cannot accept responsibility for damages, loss or theft that may occur.


Our main communication method is via our school’s Sentral App. Families will receive instructions re using this app - with access specific for you child - when you enroll. The app is also useful for letting the school know about any absences and filling in some forms.

Parent participation - refer also to Volunteers for information on Child-Related Employment Screening

Parents and Caregivers are always welcome to assist us in the following areas:

Classroom Level: Learning Assistance Program (LAP), helping with reading, going on excursions or camps – requires a current Child-Related Employment Screening.

Parent Working Bees: held several times each year.

Committee / Office Bearer: Any parent / caregiver is welcome to become a member of school committees.

E.G. Governing Council, Parents & Friends and requires a current Child-Related Employment Screening.

Sport: Coaching of sports teams, transportation, Millicent Gala Day support - requires a current Child-Related Employment Screening.


Parents and Friends

This dedicated group meets twice per term.  Its main focus is fundraising to provide the “extras” which enhance the learning environment of our children. Your support in these fundraising events is greatly appreciated.


School Card

School Card assistance is available for families that qualify using the Government guidelines. Further information and forms are available from the Finance Officer. We request that you apply for School Card as soon as possible after enrolment or at the commencement of each year.


School Sport

After school netball and football are offered.

School football is played on the Norm Facey and McLaughlin Park football ovals after school on Mondays during terms 2 and 3 for Years 5 & 6.

School netball is played at the McLaughlin Park netball courts after school on Mondays during term 2 for Years 3 to 6.


Sports Days

Sports days are set aside where children are encouraged to participate in organised games, athletics and tabloid events. These events are held during term 1.

 Parents are encouraged to support their children by watching these events, helping the teachers and supporting the Parent & Friends Committee who cater for these events.


Sports Teams

       Banksia - Red

       Sheoak - Green

       Wattle - Yellow


The Department for Education and Child Development (DECD) offers swimming lessons to primary aged students. In the past swimming lessons have been held at the Millicent Swimming Lake. Unfortunately this is subject to the availability of swimming instructors and does not occur every year. As a result lessons in recent years have been held at Wulanda Recreation and Convention Centre with parents required to pay a cost. Reception – year 2 students receive 45 minute lessons for 1 week and years 3 - 5 receive 90 minute lessons for 1 week. Lessons are normally undertaken during term 4.

Use of School Grounds

Members of the public, including students, should not be on school grounds out of school hours, unless prior approval from the Principal is received.  The school cannot accept responsibility for people supervised or otherwise, using the school grounds out of school hours.

There is a legal curfew on public school property between the hours of 12:00pm and 7:00am.



All volunteers who assist the school in any way including attending camps or excursions as a parent helper, listening to other children read, assisting in classrooms, LAP volunteers, canteen, Governing Council must have a current Child-Related Employment Screening. Application forms are available through the front office and the school is happy to  meet any costs involved in screening of volunteers.


Year 6 to 7 Transition

Throughout the year, year 6 teachers are involved in Middle School transition meetings with district primary teachers and Millicent High School teachers.  Meetings involve sharing expertise, content and skill development strategies and transition issues.


During term 3 and 4, high school staff and primary school staff negotiate a transition program for year 6 to 7 students.

This usually involves:

-      Planned days such as sporting activities, performances and workshops

-      Two consecutive days at the high school during the last few weeks of Term 4.

Late in term 3, year 6 and year 7 teachers meet to place students in appropriate home groups, taking into consideration social and behavioural needs.  Year 6 teachers also provide information of individual’s academic achievements and other relevant details.

Millicent High School promotes the development of Profile Folders.  Year 6 students are asked to put together a collection of work samples and a poster.  These are used in the first few weeks of the new school year during their orientation program.